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Mouse Razer, Logitech, SteelSeries, Power Logic, dan Gigabyte

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Salam Kenal

Hallo agan-agan semua.

Ane dari KERAHITAM ONLINE SHOP mau numpang jualan Mouse Gaming & Standard Razer, Logitech, SteelSeries, Power Logic, dan Gigabyte.

NO COD & Price Police ya.

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Gunakan Fasilitas Fast Find/ Search dengan menekan Ctrl + F.

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Happy Order!!!






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[spoiler=Gigabyte Aire M77 Wireless Mouse]aire-m77.jpg


DPI Adjustable 800 / 1600. Programmable 4/5 Keys. Ergonomic design for right-hand users. still great even after hours.


[spoiler=Gigabyte Aivia M8600 Wireless Macro Gaming Mouse]m8600-aivia.jpg


GamePlay Wireless Technology- over 50hrs battery life in game play. Quick-swap battery system- instant battery changing under 2secs, as fast as gun clip loading. 32KB onboard memory enables up to 5 programmable profile settings. Dual mode wired/ wireless functionality-switch between the wireless freedom and the frenzy of wired play. Advanced GHOST Macro Engine


[spoiler=Gigabyte ECO500 Wireless Mouse]eco500.jpg


Battery Life Up to 12 Months. Equipped with GIGABYTE accurate laser tracking system and reliable 2.4GHz wireless transmission technology, the mouse is so responsive and easy to control. When you are using the mouse, you will find it as smooth as it is engaging.


[spoiler=Gigabyte M5100 Optical Mouse]m5100.jpg


Standard Optical Mouse


[spoiler=Gigabyte M6980 Pro-laser Gaming Mouse]m6980-pro-laser.jpg


2000DPI Laser Gaming Sensor. GHOST Macro Engine. Gaming-grade Tracking Capability up to 7080FPS. On-the-fly DPI Switching. Streamlined ergonomic design. 7(+2) customizable buttons, 3profiles


[spoiler=Gigabyte M7580 Wireless Mouse]m7580.jpg


DPI Adjustable 500 / 1000. Reliable 2.4GHz wireless transmissio


[spoiler=Gigabyte M8000X Powerful Gaming Mouse]m8000x-ghost.jpg


Equiped with pro laser sensor, M8000X can supports high resolution up to 6000 DPI. Easily flick the DPI adjust button up and down to cycle through the DPI sensitivity settings. The 4-deree LED indicator shows the current selected resolution



[spoiler=Logitech B100 Optical USB Mouse]b100.jpg


USB Optical Mouse Standart


[spoiler=Logitech G100 Gaming Mouse]g100.jpg


Dengan sensor optik 2500 dpi dan pertukaran dpi mulus akan memberi Anda target yang tepat dan akurasi yang jitu.


[spoiler=Logitech G300 Gaming Mouse]g300.jpg


Dengan sembilan kontrol yang dapat diprogram dan tiga profil onboard akan memberikan kemudahan bagi Anda untuk beraksi lebih banyak dan lebih cepat.


[spoiler=Logitech G400 Gaming Mouse]g400.jpg


Jika Anda menyukai Logitech MX518, Anda akan menyukai G400. Anda memiliki fitur yang dapat Anda andalkan dengan perbaikan dalam presisi dan kecepatan.

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[spoiler=Logitech G500 Gaming Laser Mouse]



Saat tekanan semakin tinggi dan segalanya menjadi taruhan, mouse inilah yang patut dimiliki di sisi Anda.


[spoiler=Logitech G600 MMO Gaming Mouse]g600.jpg


Dengan 20 tombol, Logitech G600 MMO Gaming Mouse merupakan mouse yang dapat dikustomisasi dan mudah digunakan, dirancang secara khusus agar dapat menguasai game MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) favorit Anda.


[spoiler=Logitech G700 Wireless Gaming Mouse]g700.png


Kontrol lebih mantap untuk mendesain konten kreatif. Kebebasan wireless tanpa kompromi dengan kinerja.


[spoiler=Logitech M90 Optical USB Mouse]m90.jpg


USB Optical Mouse Standart.


[spoiler=Logitech M100 Optical USB Mouse]m100.jpg


USB Optical Mouse Standart dengan fitur "Scrolling side-to-side plus zoom". (Software untuk fitur dapat didownload di http://www.logitech.com/setpoint)


[spoiler=Logitech M115 USB Mouse Warna Berry, Black, dan Pink]m115.jpg


Sebuah mouse plug-and-play sederhana yang cukup kecil untuk dibawa kemanapun Anda pergi.


[spoiler=Logitech M125 Retractable Mouse - Black, Blue, Dusty Rose, White]m125.jpg


Mouse berbentuk ringkas dengan kabel yang dapat ditarik-ulur.


[spoiler=Logitech M185 Wireless Mouse - Blue, Red, Swift Grey]m185.jpg


Mouse simpel dan andal dengan koneksi wireless plug-and-play.


[spoiler=Logitech M187 Wireless Mini Mouse - Black, Red, White



Mouse wireless ukuran saku yang dapat dengan mudah dibawa kemana saja.


[spoiler=Logitech M235 Wireless Mouse - Blue, Colt Glossy, Black Typo, Pink Splash, Red]m235.jpg


Mouse nyaman dan andal hingga Anda lupa menggunakan touchpad. Blue, Colt Glossy, Black Typography, Pink Splash, & Red


[spoiler=Logitech M310 Wireless Laser Mouse - Blue, Silver]m310.jpg


Mouse wireless ukuran standard yang mudah digunakan dengan sensor laser yang presisi.


[spoiler=Logitech M325 - Unifying Receiver Wireless Mouse - Dark Silver, Dusty Rose, Light Silver, Peacock Blue]m325.jpg


Mouse wireless yang memberikan perpaduan presisi dan kenyamanan yang lebih baik—dengan desain khusus untuk menjelajahi Web. Tersedia warna Dark Silver, Dusty Rose, Light Silver, Peacock Blue


[spoiler=Logitech M505 - Unifying Receiver Wireless Laser Mouse - Black, Red, Silver]m505.jpg


Sebuah kombinasi dari bentuk dan fitur yang membantu Anda menyelesaikan pekerjaan Anda, membuat Anda lebih nyaman di banyak tempat. Tersedia warna Black, Red, dan Silver


[spoiler=Logitech M515 Couch Mouse - Unifying Receiver - Blue, Dark Silver, Red]m515.jpg


Wireless Mouse yang Dirancang untuk bekerja lebih baik di atas sofa, tempat tidur, atau karpet Anda. Tersedia warna Blue, Dark Silver, dan Red


[spoiler=Logitech M525 - Unifying Receiver Wireless Mouse - Black Red, Black Sky Blue, Blue Black]m525.jpg


Dengan wheel inovatif presisi tingkat mikro hadirkan alur lebih per milimeter. Dapatkan pengalaman navigasi tak tertandingi. Tersedia warna Black Red, Black Sky Blue, & Blue Black.

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[spoiler=Logitech M555B - Bluetooth Mouse]



Siap menjalankan aktivitas bisnis dengan laptop berkonektivitas Bluetooth.


[spoiler=Logitech M705 Marathon Mouse - Unifying Receiver]m705.jpg


Mouse wireless dengan baterai yang dapat bertahan hingga 3 tahun. Dengan Scroll super cepat cukup sekali putaran, membuat Anda mungkin tak mau lagi berpaling ke scroll biasa di mouse lainnya.


[spoiler=Logitech M905 Anywhere Mouse - Unifying Receiver]m905.jpg


Wireless Mouse dengan fitur Darkfield Laser Tracking, Anda dapat menggunakannya dimana saja, bahkan di atas permukaan kaca.


[spoiler=Logitech M950 Performance Mouse - Unifying Receiver]m950.jpg


Wireless Mouse dengan fitur Darkfield Laser Tracking, Anda dapat menggunakannya dimana saja, bahkan di atas permukaan kaca. Salah satu kelebihan lainnya adalah baterai yang dapat di isi ulang dengan connector Micro USB


[spoiler=Logitech T400 Zone Touch Mouse - Unifying Receiver]t400.jpg


Wireless Mouse dengan Permukaan Multi-Touch Responsif. Menggeser, scroll, dan menelusur sudah menjadi gerakan alami tangan Anda.


[spoiler=Logitech T620 Touch Mouse - Unifying Receiver]t620.jpg


Wireless Mouse dengan Permukaan Multi-Touch Responsif. Menggeser, scroll, dan menelusur sudah menjadi gerakan alami tangan Anda..


[spoiler=Logitech Trackball Wireless Mouse M570]m570.jpg


Tingkat kenyamanan dan control yang berbeda dari semua mouse yang ada


[spoiler=Logitech Trackman Cordless Optical Mouse]trackman-cordless.jpg


Cordless trackball bagi pengguna yang menggunakan komputer siang dan malam hari.


[spoiler=Logitech Trackman Marble]trackman-marble.jpg


Trackball dengan kenyamanan sepanjang hari bagi kedua tangan.


[spoiler=Logitech V470 Cordless Laser Mouse for Bluetooth - Black, Blue, White]v470.jpg


Sebuah mouse Bluetooth yang meningkatkan mobilitas Anda ke kelas bisnis. Tersedia warna Black, Blue, dan White.



Power Logic

[spoiler=Power Logic Armaggeddon - Alien G9]alien-g9.jpg


6000 CPI Avago Engine. Up to 11 Macros. Plug-and-play. 9-Level adjustable magnetic weights. Customizable LED color FX


[spoiler=Power Logic Armaggeddon - Alien II G7 - Blue, Red]alien-ii-g7.jpg


High-grade optical sensor. Macros x profiles. Dedicated on-board memory. Casual body grip


[spoiler=Power Logic Armaggeddon - Aliencraft G11]aliencraft-g11.jpg


Zirconia ceramic mouse feet. Avago 9500 Engine. Extreme CPI. 10 fully programmable buttons. Adjustable weight cartridge




[spoiler=Razer Abyssus Mirror Mouse]razer-abyssus-mirror.jpg


Whether you are making small, precise movements or fast, long range swipes; The Razer Abyssus Mirror Special Edition keeps up with your every movement without tracking loss. With no drift control, experience true freedom of movement that allows your exact mousing movements to be translated into in game kills.


[spoiler=Razer Abyssus Mouse]razer-abyssus.jpg


Whether you are making small, precise movements or fast, long range swipes; The Razer Abyssus keeps up with your every movement without tracking loss. With no drift control, experience true freedom of movement that allows your exact mousing movements to be translated into in game kills.

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[spoiler=Mouse Razer DeathAdder Black Edition]



Long after your opponents skill is eroded by hours of gaming, the Razer DeathAdder ergonomic right-handed design provides optimum comfort for intense and extended gameplay that keeps you at your sharpest.


[spoiler=Mouse Razer DeathAdder Blue (Left Hands)]razer-deathadder-lefthand.jpg


For all the left-handed gamers out there, your long hours of using gaming mice that do not fit are over. With the Razer DeathAdder Left-Hand Edition, Razer is covering new ground. The first gaming grade mouse dedicated solely to left-handed professional gamers was conceived because when it comes down to it, you want to know you are perfectly equipped with precision and comfort.


[spoiler=Mouse Razer DeathAdder Blue Edition]razer-deathadder-blue.jpg


Long after your opponents skill is eroded by hours of gaming, the Razer DeathAdder ergonomic right-handed design provides optimum comfort for intense and extended gameplay that keeps you at your sharpest.


[spoiler=Mouse Razer Imperator]razer-imperator.jpg


Experience a new standard of gaming precision with the 6400dpi 4G Dual Sensor System, outfitted with a laser and an optical sensor to accurately calibrate the mouse to any surface for exceptional tracking.


[spoiler=Mouse Razer Mamba]razer-mamba.jpg


Unrivalled gaming grade wireless technology means the Razer Mamba performs as well cordless as it does corded, giving you utter freedom of motion whilst you win gloriously in games.


[spoiler=Razer Naga 2012]razer-naga-2012.jpg


Effortlessly access more spells, abilities, and macros with a total of 17 mouse buttons, including Razers revolutionary 12-button thumb grid. The new Razer Naga features 2 mouse buttons behind the scroll wheel to deliver better ergonomic control as you game.


[spoiler=Mouse Razer Naga EPIC]razer-naga-epic.jpg


Three interchangeable side panels designed by the world-acclaimed Razer ergonomics team provide an optimized fit for different hand sizes and grip styles, giving you maximum ergonomic comfort to last through those marathon gaming sessions.


[spoiler=Mouse Razer Naga HEX - Green, Red]razer-naga-hex.jpg


The Razer Naga Hex features 6 large mechanical thumb buttons specially optimized for MOBA and action-RPG user interfaces. Every pro-gamer can map their 6 favored spells, abilities, and items to these buttons for rapid actuation.


[spoiler=Mouse Razer Naga Molten Special Edition]razer-naga-molten.jpg


Organize your skills and eliminate visual clutter with the Razer Naga Molten Special Editions’ in-game custom interface AddOns or integrated in-game support for the most popular MMO games. (Available for World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, City of Heroes and more.)


[spoiler=Mouse Razer Orochi - Black, Black Chrome]razer-orochi.jpgrazer-orochi-black-chrome.jpg


With built-in Bluetooth compatibility with most laptops, the Razer Orochi offers gamers on the go hassle-free wireless convenience.


[spoiler=Mouse Razer TAIPAN]razer-taipan.jpg


Razer Synapse 2.0 is cutting-edge, intuitive, proprietary software that functions as the Razer Taipan brain, automatically syncing the gaming mouse to a cloud server to download driver and firmware updates, as well as to save your individual settings without you needing to lift a finger.




[spoiler=Mouse SteelSeries Diablo III Edition]steelseries-diablo-iii.jpg


Easy Setup.Support OS X & Windows. Durability. Demon Red. Technology. Ambidextrous. Counts Per Inch. Lift Distance


[spoiler=Mouse SteelSeries Kana - White, Black]steelseries-kana.jpg


The Middle Child. You Voted, We Listened. Lighting With Purpose. Toggle ON-THE-FLY. Counts Per Inch. Side Buttons. Double Braided Cord. The SteelSeries Engine


[spoiler=Mousepad SteelSeries Kana Counter Strike : Global Offensive Edition]steelseries-kana-cs-go.jpg


CS: GO Edition. The Middle Child. Lighting With Purpose. Toggle ON-THE-FLY. Counts Per Inch. Side Buttons. Double Braided Cord. The SteelSeries Engine


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[spoiler=Mouse SteelSeries Kinzu V2 Rubberized - Black, Yellow, Orange, White]



The Basics. Compact & Lightweight. Ambidextrous. Toggle ON-THE-FLY. Counts Per Inch. Glides. Double Braided Cord. The SteelSeries Engine.


[spoiler=SteelSeries Kinzu V2 Rubberized Pro Edition - Glossy Black, Glossy Metalic Silver, Glossy Red]steelseries-kinzu-v2-pro-glossy.jpg


Tournament Grade. Compact & Lightweight. Built By The Best. Toggle ON-THE-FLY. Counts Per Inch. Glides. Double Braided Cord. The SteelSeries Engine


[spoiler=Mouse SteelSeries Sensei FNATIC]steelseries-sensei-fnatic.jpg


FNATIC Edition. Double Sensitivity. Your Way. Illuminate. Adjustable Lift Distance. LCD Display. Powerful. Backed By Engine


[spoiler=Mouse SteelSeries Sensei Laser Mouse Color Spectrum]steelseries-sensei-laser-mouse-color-spectrum.jpg


Double Sensitivity. Your Way. Built By The Best. Illuminate. Adjustable Lift Distance. LCD Display. Powerful. Backed By Engine


[spoiler=Mouse SteelSeries Sensei MLG]steelseries-sensei-mlg.jpg


MLG Edition. Double Sensitivity. Your Way. Built By THe Best. Illuminate. Adjustable Lift Distance. LCD Display, Backed By Engine


[spoiler=SteelSeries Sensei Raw - Glossy Black, Rubber Black]steelseries-sensei-raw.jpg


Essential performance. Texture, Your Choice. Illuminate. Built By The Best. Toggle ON-THE-FLY. Counts Per Inch. Double Braided Cord. The SteelSeries Engine


[spoiler=Mouse SteelSeries World of Warcraft Legendary Edition (Wired/Wireless Mouse)]steelseries-world-of-warcraft.jpg


Freedom From Wires. Click Fast & Furious. A Weapon for ALL. Stay in The Game. Wireless or Wired. Complex Task Made Easy. Macros for ALL Levels. Dimensions Matters

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