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Coffee Green, CocoMin, KopiMin, SOD Tea

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Green Coffee 800 formula is a "drug-free" dietary supplement that was developed from a blend of herbal extracts.

When used with a healthy diet plan,Green Coffee 800 curbs your appetite and stimulates your body to burn fat and calories.

Green coffee contains the anti-oxidant qualities necessary to cause thermogenesis which increase the metabolism of fat.

Chromium and vanadium increase carbohydrate burn and metabolic rate, and panax.

Ginseng helps to maintain energy levels while dieting.

Another ingredient, heartleaf starts the fat burning process while curbing the appetite.


Green Tea Leaf extract is a major antioxidant that increases mental awareness and helps diminish appetite,

also can lower cholesterol level and reduce amount of harmful cholesterol.

EGCG-Epigallocatechin gallate is most powerful natural antioxidant superior to Vit C and Vit E.

It may provide health effects by protecting our cells from oxidative damage from free radicals.

A number of chronic disease have been associated with free radical damage,

including cancer, arteriosclerosis, heart diseases and accelerated aging.




|70 mg calcium

|250 mg chromium ( as chromium dinicotinate Glycinate)

|700 mg Propietary Herbal Blend:

|Green tea leaf extract :

|180 mg antioxidant polyphenols,

|90 mg epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)

|50 mg naturally occurring caffeine

|Asian (Panax) Ginseng root standardized




Take one pack a day in the mid-morning with 100ml hot water (serve as traditional instant coffee).

Recommended minimum of 2 litres of water per day.





?Contents: 18 packs of green coffee 800 in a factory sealed box (a 18 day supply)


?Usage: 1bag/day


?Indications: Serve as traditional instant coffee


?Suitable Population: For simply obesity, post partum fat, and people who want to keep fit.


?Suitable Age: 18-60 Years Old


?Precaution: Not for pregnant or breast-feeding women, cardiovascular disease and stroke patients.


*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.




?~*Proven to Work, How?*~?

Medical Research Results


In November 1999 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results

of a study at the University of Geneva in Switzerland.

Researchers there found that people who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract

burned more calories then those given only caffeine






user posted image?*´¯`??Benefits of Losing Weight??´¯`*? user posted image


* Reducing your risk of developing heart disease

* Reduced risk of having a stroke.

* Reduced chance of developing diabetes.

* Reduced stress on the joints in your knees, hips and back.

* Increased self-image and improved self esteem.

* Increased energy levels


Price: Rp. 135,000,-/ pack


sms for more information to 0817-6564730






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Jadikan CocoMin minuman utama Keluarga ketika sarapan

Juga dapat dijadikan sebagai penahan lapar...


Satu-satunya minuman coklat dengan manfaat ekstrak mineral.


Minuman untuk seluruh keluarga, khususnya anak-anak.


Setiap bungkus mengandung nutrisi 44 jenis mineral dari Trace Mineral Complex untuk menjaga kesehatan dan meningkatkan prestasi fisik dan mental anda.


Sangat cocok diminum saat sarapan atau makan snack.


Sangat baik untuk gaya hidup yang sibuk.


CocoMin (18 sachet x 28 gr) Rp. 61,000,-


For order sms to 0817-6564730






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Minuman sehat nikmat...


Satu-satunya kopi yang mengandung khasiat 'Trace Mineral' dan sekaligus mengurangi kafein.


Lebih lezat, nikmat dan berkhasiat.


Sekarang Anda dapat menikmati kopi setiap hari.


KopiMin diformulasikan khusus dengan kopi Robusta dengan khasiat "Trace Mineral" menjadikan kopi lebih berkhasiat dan berkrim.


Ekstrak mineral meningkatkan mental dan fisik Anda.


Formula KopiMin 4-in-1 mengandung sukros, krim (tanpa lemak), formula KopiMin yang unik ini memberikan rasa kopi segar, menjadikan hidangan lebih nikmat.


Berita baik bagi mereka yang biasanya mempunyai masalah sakit kepala apabila minum kopi karena khasiat 'Trace Mineral' dalam KopiMin mengurangi kafein.


KopiMin (20 sachet x 20 gr) Rp. 49,500,-


For order sms to 0817-6564730






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Optimal Health...

Nutrisi maxima sebagai perlindungan dari resiko penyakit


Minum untuk kesehatan dan awet muda.


Teh SOD adalah minuman kesehatan yang bernutrisi dan pelepas dahaga yang dapat diminum setiap hari.


Teh SOD dapat dihidangkan dingin atau panas, dengan lemon, gula, madu atau susu.


Teh SOD tidak mengandung kafein, rendah kandungan tanin dan kaya dengan anti oksidan, yang diketahui dapat melawan radikal bebas yang membahayakan tubuh.


Teh SOD tidak mengandung zat aditif, pengawet atau pewarna, dan merupakan produk alami dan asli.


SOD TEA (30 tea bags x 20 gr) Rp. 90,300,-


For order sms to 0817-6564730

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