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Tentang Maryam6778

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  1. Your opinion that it is best to begin and end an essay with a sincere thank you is absolutely correct.I sincerely thank you for a a given opportunity to learn about such a wonderful resource as this site. I am truly impressed with the quality of information and services it offers. I am sure that in the future I will be turning to this very place for help in writing essays and other academic papers. Your opinion on what is the best
  2. I am a student and I am currently working on an essay in Spanish. The topic is a bit complicated: I need to look at the influence of Spanish culture on world art. I have already collected some material, but I am having trouble formulating my thoughts and structuring my essay. If any of you have already written something similar or can give advice on structure and main ideas, I would be very grateful! Also interested to hear opinions on what aspects of Spanish culture you think are worth highlighting. Thanks in advance for your help
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